Monday, January 26, 2009

The Argument You'll Ever Have in Your Relationship

The first argument is the most crucial argument you will ever have, setting the stage for all arguments to follow. Future conflicts will often look and sound like they're different, but most times they are simply variations of the first, unresolved argument. Understanding that the first argument is a tool for healing, rather than just a random conflict, can spare yourself years of grief, hopelessness and helplessness in your relationship.

Dating Tip #1: Get to the Core
Minimizing the chaos, confusion and stress in your relationship, therefore, is accomplished by understanding what you're really arguing about. The first argument teaches what is important to each individual, by linking back to each other's underlying core issue. You may be fooled into thinking that you're arguing about cookies, wastebaskets, fences, etc., but rarely are these "content" issues the "real" issue. The real issue is your core issue from childhood that gets unknowingly triggered by the content issue.

Dating Tip #2: Strive for Clarity
Somehow, we often think that repeating the same things that have never worked will suddenly work, and our partner will miraculously understand! It doesnt make sense, but we do it anyway.

Dating Tip #3: Solve Big Ones Before Small Ones
Understanding the value and importance of the first argument as a tool to self-knowledge can reduce stress. When you start to argue and hear yourself repeating the same sentences that don't work, going back to your tools of self-awareness will create a framework for resolving conflict. Small issues are connected to bigger issues, and the first argument reveals our bigger, core issues from the past. Once the big issue is revealed, the small issue can then be determined.

Dating Tip #3: Be "Current"
When conflict is resolved, stress is reduced and you have the ability to be current with each other. Being "current" means you're in the moment with few unresolved matters clouding the relationship. The more current a relationship is, the healthier it is.
Dating Tip #4: Repair It Now
Remember that when dealt with, the first argument is small. When put aside, it becomes bigger and bigger to the point of being overwhelming and unsolvable. Each time we fight, we hurt each other a little bit more, until we've damaged each other and the relationship. Once this has happened, it's hard to regain the good feelings we once had for each other.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Celebrity Couple,Julianne Moore dishes about Marriage

Julianne Moore doesn't believe in red roses on Valentine's Day.

"It's more important for us to make time to see each other during the year,We don't schedule it, but we make an effort to have some time alone." the actress tells her husband, director Bart Freundlich.

The couple, who have been together 12 years and married five, are raising their kids, Caleb, 11, and Liv, 6, in New York City.

A typical day at home involves dinner, homework and bath time. "They're allowed to watch TV only on weekends," she says.

The actress is also care about Hollywood's obsession to weight. "Of course, I diet for roles; everyone does,When you're younger, you're always working for something, and now you realize, this is really it,You'd better be enjoying this, because this is pretty good." said the 48 years old beautiful actress.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A couple tips that could help you save quite a bit.

Budgeting is about spending less than you make so you can save and this is no different. Don't eat out all the time, this includes fast food. Try to avoid that extra trip to McDonalds,starbucks,KFC or any fast food store. That $5 here and there may not seem like much but over the course of the month it really adds up. Most people will spend $300 or more on food a month but if you have a good practice and discipline you can spend maybe $100-$150 at most. That makes a nice chunk of change over the course of a year. As an extension of this, buy items and cook from scratch when possible, it is cheaper than that instant junk, better for you, and generally tastes better as well.Another "budgeting" tips is buy online. You can get all kinds of things online, books, movies, clothes, even food. If you look a little, you can find far better deals than locally on most anything. This is especially true of entertainment goods like movies, buying off ebay is a great way of saving money. They may seem like obvious points, but it is amazing just how many people spend $300+ on food a month or $500 on entertainment and then complain about having no money. I don't make a ton of money but because I am careful with how I spend and shop around, online, I have plenty extra money to pay down loans and save money.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Long Distance Love...Can it work??

Being in love means being together with your partner.. is it right?? But, what if your love one live miles apart?Can your survive?? Nowadays, many and more people travelling and working abroad, making a long distance relationship work is a task faced by many people. Perhaps you were based apart when you met, or you were living together and your partner was offered a once in a lifetime opportunity abroad. Each couple's circumstances are unique, but each share similar concerns, is the relationship worth the distance and how can we keep the love alive?

Making the decision
The first factor to consider is whether it is worth trying to make the long-distance relationship work. If at the start of a relationship, you don't live close to each other it's tough but not a big problem problem. If you truly care for each other, you'll keep loving and move mountains in order to eventually move closer.

However,if you already have a relationship in several years, and suddenly you need to separate,it may a danger sign. One of you may be creating physical distance in order to get emotional distance. Have a heart-to-heart and be honest to your partner.

Making it work
If you do want to be together, there is a lot you can do to make it work. Top of the list is that agony aunt favourite - communication. The less you see each other, the more you need to hear each other.

What you need to do is schedule regular telephone calls and stay in touch with emails, texts and letters. When you do make contact, don't just stick to love talk, but keep each other informed on the day-to-day aspects of your lives.

If one of you develops a new interest or hobby, the other should make an effort to be involved. It's not passion that ends long distance love, but usually plain loss of common interests.

Monday, January 12, 2009

do's and don'ts for the couple to make perfect proposal

Nearly one in 10 of all marriage proposals by a lovely couple are by women, and female characters are regularly seen popping the question on TV.

So, just as you don't have to wait until Leap Day to ask for your man's hand. But if you are going pop the question, stay cool with these essential dos and don'ts.

DO keep it casual. Men are freaked out by 'big talks' and OTT gestures. Standing on a table in a packed restaurant and shouting 'marry me!' may seem romantic to you, but most blokes would curl up in embarrassment at such a public proposal.

DO make like a spy and edge in casually. Sidle up while he's doing the washing up, put your chin on his shoulder and say: 'Hmmm, I want to keep you'.

DON'T assume that he knows what you're talking about. Men are slow to pick up on hints. If he's still looking blurr, look him in the eye and ask simply: 'Would you marry me?'

DO remember that men are weaker after good food and great sex. Cook him a fabulous dinner, take him to bed and mention marriage in the cuddly afterglow.

DON'T assume that marriage will fix a failing or stale relationship. A wedding may give things a boost, but reality will bite back as soon as the corks are popped.

DON'T get down on one knee. You'll look like you're begging, and he'll be able to see up your skirt.

DO it when he's high on life. A friend got a 'yes, YES!' after reuniting with her boyfriend after he'd been to a sunny music festival.

But DON'T do it when he's just been promoted at work, bought a hot new motor or won the lottery. It'll just look like you're after his money.

DON'T propose to someone you've known only a few months. You're still in the honeymoon phase, where you're full of butterflies and blind to each other's faults.

DO turn the situation around and make him do it. If you're sure of your relationship and of his commitment to you, he'll probably be grateful for the push!

If all else fails, DO wait until Leap Day itself. When the Leap Day proposal tradition was introduced by Scottish law in 1288, men who said 'no' were fined, with penalties including having to buy a silk dress. So if you don't get your man, at least he'll owe you a posh frock.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Secret of happiest couple in the world

The meaning of love

Love is not about what you take or what you get. Love is about the beneficences you give with nothing to lose. Just give away without hoping in return. If you love, you should happy when you give.

Practice your love

With love, you can be a happy couple. If you want to be a happy couple, you should love yourself, your couple, & your God. Here are some of the love concept:

1. Love yourself

Love your self first before you love somebody else. Love yourself, and you will do & take all the good thing for you. And also, you will leave anything that useless for you.

2. Love Your Couple

If you love your couple, think about what you should do to give the best for your couple & family. If your couple hurt you, ask your self first, what did you do that make your couple hurt you? Then, ask your self, what should you do to solve this problem?

3. Love Your God

Realize that you & your couple is only a human being who can become different & die. For example, now, he is handsome, in the future, he becomes an old man. Now, he is alive, in the future, he becomes a dead man. Don't worry about that. I bring a good news for you who have a God. God have created anything pair. He has created man, He also created woman. He has brought you to life, He will also bring you to dead. So, don't be worry, He have create anything pair for you. You should love your God above all. God bless you.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

7 things he won't know he's doing wrong

Scientifically,male and female brains are work in a different ways.In fact,get the male perspective on those mistakes only men could make it.

Some girls probably noticed by now that men are not a such perfect human being. In fact, it can sometimes seem that men are huge, great blobs of imperfection. In women's eyes men regularly do things wrong and are too lazy to do anything about it.

#1 . Being abrupt on the telephone. Men see the phone as a means of communication, nothing more. A typical male telephone conversation goes as follows: 'Drink in the pub tonight?' 'What time?' 'Seven-thirty?' . Men do their talking in person.However,women enjoy the process of communication rather than just its result, so want to prolong the call, bonding a little more.

2. Offering solutions when you just want him to listen. If you've got a problem you'll want to sit down and talk about it with your man, approaching it from different angles. But men don't do 'different angles'. The only angle they know is head-on. He thinks he's helping. Explain that you appreciate his desire to assist, but all you want him to do is sympathise as you talk around the problem in your own way.

3. Being silent when he's considering his own problems.When your man has a worry, he keeps it to himself, trying to solve it quickly, not wanting to bother you. Men are much more comfortable with silence than women.

4. Refusing to ask for directions when you're lost. Ever since the first caveman failed to bag a wildebeest for Mrs Caveman's dinner, men have seen failure as a threat to their relationship. They think that if they admit to making a mistake, you'll stop loving them.

5. Looking at other women. Men's peripheral vision isn't as good as women's. That's why when you're walking down the street together and a good-looking woman passes, your man will turn his head to look at her.

6. Making arrangements in front of people. 'Mind if I go to the football with Dave next Saturday?' he asks, forgetting that you've arranged to visit your mother that day. The trouble is, he asks you when Dave's there. He expects you to be honest. Because that's what he would do.

7. Giving vague responses about what he's been up to. When you ask him how his day was, he replies, 'Not bad'. And that's precisely what he means: it wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. He has nothing to report, so he doesn't report anything.Your man doesn't have the same need for details as you do. So he doesn't realise that without them you can feel left out.

So girl,watch your boyfriend now!! especially for the item no 5!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Couples and cash,can cause crisis

Money,the most important thing nowaday.For a couples,managing a money is very important.Even you're couple with someone,you still need to entertain your social life,cleaning,visiting parents and so on.

If you think it doesn't matter, think again. Money is cited as one of the most common reasons for break-up. Financial dilemmas can highlight a range of relationship problems.

The household budget and joint accounts can be testing, from how much to contribute and dividing it fairly to what the money is spent on. How do you ensure neither party feels it's unfair? The joint account was used for bills and food shopping. If you're living together, it's a partnership that should not disadvantage one person.

Not everyone is able to 'place' money within a relationship. 'Money is also about our ability to share, compromise, negotiate and commit to another person. If one person behaves differently, it can cause huge problems. Ensure conversations are not just about money, but about the feelings they evoke. 'Said the relationship expert Paula Hall.

On the other side,men always feel money is their domain but what do you do when things get out of hand? As one woman discovered, it's not always easy.

Debt might damage your credit rating and the the worst thing it can also damage your relationship. In our live,if can we must try a best to avoid debt.

We're working, but every penny is going towards debts, household costs and mortgage. We've been through a spate of household disasters and are at a point where we're barely talking to each other because every conversation revolves around trying to pay another bill.

Not talking can make things worse, but when can you talk money as a couple? Before it gets too late, for starters...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A celebrity couple is engaged!!!

She’s been America’s sweetheart since her days on “Who’s the Boss,” and now Alyssa Milano Milano has announced that she’s will engaged with the agent at the Creative Arts Agency,David Bulgari.Both of them has been dating for over a yearThis is not the first marriage of Miss Milano,before this she was married once with Cinjun Tate, however they divorced back in 1999. Ever since, she’s always complained about being unlucky in love.

David Bugliari may not be well known in the celebrity worlds,however he has made a few articles as the boyfriend of Alyssa Milano.After a year dating,he decided that it was time to pop the question to his beautiful girlfried,Alyssa Milano.She of course accepted his proposal, and now the two of them are set to be married soon.Hopefully this couple will keep loving each other until the end of their lives.