Thursday, January 22, 2009

A couple tips that could help you save quite a bit.

Budgeting is about spending less than you make so you can save and this is no different. Don't eat out all the time, this includes fast food. Try to avoid that extra trip to McDonalds,starbucks,KFC or any fast food store. That $5 here and there may not seem like much but over the course of the month it really adds up. Most people will spend $300 or more on food a month but if you have a good practice and discipline you can spend maybe $100-$150 at most. That makes a nice chunk of change over the course of a year. As an extension of this, buy items and cook from scratch when possible, it is cheaper than that instant junk, better for you, and generally tastes better as well.Another "budgeting" tips is buy online. You can get all kinds of things online, books, movies, clothes, even food. If you look a little, you can find far better deals than locally on most anything. This is especially true of entertainment goods like movies, buying off ebay is a great way of saving money. They may seem like obvious points, but it is amazing just how many people spend $300+ on food a month or $500 on entertainment and then complain about having no money. I don't make a ton of money but because I am careful with how I spend and shop around, online, I have plenty extra money to pay down loans and save money.

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